[Diese Artikel ist eine Antwort auf die Frage von Ender Kirküc in der Facebook-Gruppe Halalcheck am 30.04.2021. Die Frage ist unter folgendem Link zu finden: https://www.facebook.com/groups/helalgermany.gruppe/permalink/4176182639066949]
Aleyküm Selam Ender Kirküc,
I founded the Halal Online Shop during the refugee debate in March 2016 because I wanted to offer help to refugees or refugee homes. This was meant as a small side project besides my work and has now developed into a small business.
The aim of this company is to enable Muslim families to buy sweets for their children without any worries.
Zu der Gelatine ist folgendes zu sagen: die meisten Hersteller von halal zertifiziertem Fruchtgummi nutzen entweder Rindergelatine aus Brasilien oder der Türkei. Das sind die beiden Länder in denen halal zertifizierte Gelatine am meisten produziert und von den Herstellern am meisten verwendet wird. Wir haben uns dazu entschieden nur Süßigkeiten anzubieten, welche die Rindergelatine aus der Türkei enthalten. Die Firma, welche die Rindergelatine herstellt, hat den Namen Halavet Gıda und sitzt in Istanbul. Wir machen weltweit Süßigkeiten-Hersteller ausfindig, welche halal zertifiziert sind und die Gelatine aus der Türkei von dieser Firma beziehen. Diese Gelatine ist von Türk Standardları Enstitüsü (TSE) zertifiziert: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0004/0370/1801/files/Sweetzone_TSE_HALAL_Zertifikat.PDF?v=1600862091 Weil alle Süßigkeiten bei uns diese Gelatine verwenden, findest Du dieses Zertifikat auch am prominentesten auf der Seite.
In addition, we only list sweets that do not contain carmine (E number 120). This is often used as a red colorant in fruit gums.
Another point we pay attention to is that the sweets do not have ethanol as a carrier in the flavors. This does not have to be explicitly stated by the manufacturer in the list of ingredients and must therefore be requested separately from the manufacturer. We therefore do not list "normal" vegan sweets, but only those that are halal certified and do not contain ethanol.
I have not seen shellac (E904) in any ingredient list so far. If it were to appear, this would also be a criterion for exclusion.
Currently we list in the store sweets from the brands Sweetzone, Haribo and Miralina's Halal Sweets.
Regardless of the gelatin, the manufacturing process and factory/production facility must also be halal certified. These separate halal certificates can be found with each product under the product images:
- Haribo Halal is certified by the European Halal Certification Institute (EHZ): https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0004/0370/1801/products/haribo-halal-gummibarchenharibo-halal-gummibarchen-goldbaren-100gharibo8691216020771-218489.jpg?v=1606082136
- Sweetzone is certified by Halal Monitoring Committee (HMC): https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0004/0370/1801/products/halal-sussigkeiten-balla-stixx-apfel-sweetzone-11kg-175027.jpg?v=1620100437
- Miralina's Halal Sweets is certified by Halal Quality Control (HQC): https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0004/0370/1801/files/H.C10310300313-Miralina_s_Halal_Sweets-Annex1-2021-Ver.1.pdf?v=1617717853
As of September 2021, we will only list Miralina's Halal Sweets and Haribo Halal brands.
I hope I could answer your questions.