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About the accreditation of our halal certificate

In this article, I would like to explain how to recognize a credible halal certificate. 
The decisive factor is the accreditation of the halal certificate: This means that the corresponding halal certificate is accepted by Islamic countries and organizations
Accreditation means that the certification body of the halal certificate is recognized by international halal organizations. Muslim countries in which Islamic legislation applies only accept products for import from abroad that have been halal-certified by an accredited certification body. Companies without such accredited halal certification cannot export to Islamic countries (see IHK rally). 
We are audited and certified by HQC(Halal Quality Control) every year. We work with this halal institute as it is a certification body accredited by the Muslim countries below. 

Halal institutions and countries where our halal certificate is recognized

Our halal certificate from HQC (Halal Quality Control) and therefore also our sweets are recognized for sale by the following halal organizations and countries:


Indonesia (BPJPH)


The Halal Standard Institute of Thailand

EIAC (United Arab Emirates)

ESMA (United Arab Emirates)

The Central Islamic Council of Thailand (CICOT)

Halal Accreditation Agency (HAK) Turkey

The World Halal Food Council


Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore


IMANOR (Morocco)

Saudi Food & Drug Authority (Saudi Arabia)


Saudi Standards SASO (Saudi Arabia)

Food and Drug Safety of South Korea

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Ministry of Environment

The Muslim World League Saudi Arabia

North Africa and the Middle East

Indonesia Majelis Ulama (MUI)

Malaysia (JAKIM)


This topic is particularly important to us because with Miralina we want to create a place where people can experience the joy of sweets without hesitation. 

If you have any further questions, please contact us at [email protected]

You can find our halal certificate here.